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Harvard Forest Research Project 2023

  • Title: methane flux pilot study
  • Principal investigator: J. William Munger (
  • Institution: Harvard University
  • Primary contact: J. William Munger (
  • Team members: Jaclyn Matthes
    Mark VanScoy
  • Abstract:

    Flooded soils are methane emission hotspots. Beaver pond wetlands are a dynamic landscape feature ranging from intact ponds with active dams to wet meadows behind abandoned dams. Methane emissions will likely vary over the course of pond evolution. The wetland along Bigelow Brook was flooded in the early 2000's, which killed most of the standing trees. Subsequently, the beavers abandoned the site and the wetland has developed scattered shrubs as water levels dropped. The aim of the this project is to investigate whether the current wetland is a source of methane by installing a temporary array of instruments including methane analyzer, CO2/H2O analyzer and sonic anemometer.
    Results will be evaluated to determine the direction of methane flux and how it responds to environmental conditions.