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Harvard Forest Research Project 2023

  • Title: Tree regeneration and replacement in temperate forests
  • Principal investigator: Lukas Magee (
  • Institution: University of Florida
  • Primary contact: Lukas Magee (
  • Team members:
  • Abstract:

    The overall objective of this study is to determine the relative contributions of canopy condition, biotic neighborhood, and environmental variables on patterns of forest succession relative to gap formation. We will use tree census data and NEON Lidar to determine characteristics of gaps, including gap (species) identity and timing of gap formation. We will focus on recently dead large trees (e.g., > 400 mmm DBH). Each dead tree will be paired with a living tree of the same species and similar DBH. Along each transect, there will be three seedling plots (1 x 1 m) at 2 m, 6 m, and 10 m. All individuals less than 1 cm dbh will be identified, tagged, and mapped. We will revisit one year later to monitor mortality, growth, and recruitment.