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Harvard Forest Research Project 2024

  • Title: Headwater Stream Ecology
  • Principal investigator: Betsy Colburn (
  • Institution: Harvard Forest
  • Primary contact: Betsy Colburn (
  • Team members: Emery Boose
    Betsy Colburn
    Ann Lewis
    David Orwig
  • Abstract:

    Headwater streams drain up to 90% of the landscape and contribute substantially to nutrient dynamics and food webs in higher order streams within drainage networks. In Central Massachusetts, headwaters are primarily influenced by land-use changes, including development; invasive species that alter forest composition (e.g., hemlock woolly adelgid causing losses of hemlock in headwater riparian zones); road crossings; and, potentially, climate change. This research examines longitudinal changes in individual streams over time, as well as across-stream variations in habitat characteristics, water quality, and stream biota, in relation to the above factors. Current status of this project involves preparing collected macroinvertebrates for long-term archival storage. The work includes reviewing previously collected specimens, confirming or adjusting taxonomic identifications, editing data base, and ensuring that all sample labels are legible and durable for long-term archival storage in ethanol. Once all IDs are confirmed and entered, the data will be analyzed for possible publication.