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Harvard Forest Symposium Abstract 2005

  • Title: Prospect Hill Hydrological Stations
  • Primary Author: Emery Boose (Harvard Forest)
  • Additional Authors: Paul Barten (University of Massachusetts at Amherst); Betsy Colburn (Harvard Forest)
  • Abstract:

    Installation of long-term hydrological stations was begun on two small headwater streams in the Prospect Hill Tract at the Harvard Forest. On Nelson Brook, which drains northwest to the Millers River, 120-degree V-notch weirs were installed on the two outlet streams of the Black Gum Swamp, an 11-ha spruce-hemlock bog that dominates the corresponding 40-ha watershed. On Bigelow Brook, which drains southeast to the Swift River, the old culvert on Town Line Road below the Beaver Swamp was repaired, and a pipe was installed in the stream channel 300m above the swamp. Because the upper reaches of this stream lack any sites suitable for a weir or flume, the two pipes will be used to measure flow above and below the swamp (3-ha, partially forested), with respective watersheds of 20ha and 60ha. Instrumentation of the four stream sites, and installation of permanent wells in the Black Gum and Beaver Swamps, will be completed early in 2005. The Fisher Meteorological Station was reprogrammed starting 1-Jan-2005 to retain 15-minute values to match planned measurements of stage (discharge) and water temperature at the six hydrological sites.

  • Research Category: