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Harvard Forest REU Symposium Abstract 2016

  • Title: Carbon Storage Dynamics of Coarse Woody Debris
  • Author: Rebecca M Sparks (Boston University)
  • Abstract:

    Coarse Woody Debris (CWD) refers to dead wood with a diameter > 7.5cm. CWD plays an important role in forest ecosystems, limiting erosion, providing habitat, and serving as a source of nutrients. Carbon is stored in the structure of CWD and CO2 is released during decomposition (Harmon and Sexton, 1996; Evans and Ducey, 2010). For a comprehensive understanding of carbon storage in a forest, CWD must be taken into account. In my research CWD carbon storage was determined from volume and biomass measurements obtained using the FIA line transect sampling method, as opposed to fixed area sampling (Woodall and Monleon, 2007; Evans and Ducey, 2010). Input was determined by isolating new CWD measurements from the transect sampling. Decay rate was determined by measuring change in CWD density over time. In 2016, CWD stored 7.265 MgCha-1. In 2013 this value was 8.266 MgCha-1. This indicates a 12.1% decrease in overall CWD carbon storage. Input of CWD has been an average 0.716 MgCha-1year-1 over the past three years. The long term decay rate of CWD is 1.025 MgCha-1year-1. With decay rates higher than average annual input, we expect to see a decline in the CWD carbon pool. This may be due to increasing decomposition rates, a decline in tree mortality, or some additional factor. Comparison of new measurements to long term data should acknowledge differences in sampling methods. The analysis of carbon storage dynamics of CWD should continue in order to improve our understanding of carbon in the forest as a whole. Works Cited: Evans, Alexander M., and Mark J. Ducey. "Carbon Accounting and Management of Lying Dead Wood." Forest Wisdom. Forest Guild, Nov. 2010. Harmon, Mark E., and Jay Sexton. "Guidelines for Measurements of Woody Detritus in Forest Ecosystems." US LTER Network Office (1996): n. pag. Web. University of Washington, Publication No. 20 Woodall and Monleon. Rep. No. USDA Forest Service-NRS-22 (2007). Print. "Sampling Protocol, Estimation, and Analysis Procedures for the Down Woody Materials Indicator of the FIA Program"

  • Research Category: Large Experiments and Permanent Plot Studies; Forest-Atmosphere Exchange