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Harvard Forest REU Symposium Abstract 2014

  • Title: Decomposition in a Warmer World
  • Author: Laura L Figueroa (University of Oklahoma Norman Campus)
  • Abstract:

    Decomposition is the process by which organic matter is broken down into pieces that are more easily used by living organisms. In this way nutrients and elements can cycle through the food web over time. Invertebrates affect decomposition either directly by digesting material or indirectly by altering the habitat favorably for bacteria and fungi. Because invertebrates are ectotherms they are more active in warmer temperatures, particularly if moisture levels are not limiting. Climate change is expected to increase global temperatures. Due to the warmer climate, invertebrates may be more active, decompose more material, and consequently contribute more CO2 emissions. In order to gain a greater understanding of the relationship between warming, invertebrate presence and decomposition, we made three-dimensional decomposition bags that either excluded invertebrates, included those smaller than 2.5 mm2 (many macro-invertebrates), or included those under 1 cm2 (control) and deployed them in warming chambers at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts. The warming chambers mimic all environmental conditions of the forest with the exception of temperature which is made to simulate different warming scenarios. To measure decomposition, we collected and dried leaves from a red maple tree (Acer rubrum) and placed them within the bags for each of the three treatments (no invertebrates, macro-invertebrates, and control) and re-weighed after a five week period. We expect that warmer temperatures and greater numbers of invertebrates and/or their activity will increase decomposition. Understanding the intricate relationships between invertebrates, decomposition, and climate change may provide scientists necessary tools for facing potential obstacles in the future.

  • Research Category: Biodiversity Studies; Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics