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Harvard Forest Research Project 2024

  • Title: Creature counter
  • Principal investigator: Katharine Hinkle (
  • Institution: Not Specified
  • Primary contact: Munther Elsayed (
  • Team members: Munther Elsayed
    Katharine Hinkle
    Teo Sadowski
  • Abstract:

    Creature counter is an AI based program that implements computer vision into trail cameras in Harvard forest. Currently, trail cameras use motion detection to snap photos/videos of forest creatures, while leaving the classification to the researchers and students themselves. This process is slow and tedious and can take anywhere from weeks to months! Creature counter utilizes existing computer vision technology to compile image data, classify the animal species/individuals, and create a “map” of animal activity. Implemented correctly, this can save time and effort for the scientists and students who can focus on applying the data to conservation work.